Wineskin Timeline
When the Wineskin was founded in 1984, the school was still called George Fox College! Read on to learn about what else has changed over the Wineskin’s 40 year history, and what has stayed the same!
The Wineskin Founded
The Wineskin is founded as a “literary arts magazine filled cover to cover with poetry and short stories by the students of George Fox College.” Ed Higgens, associate professor of English, is the sponsor and advisor.
Four Issues per Year!
Before settling into a rhythm of one or two issues per year, the Wineskin also published “a Christmas issue containing seasonal poetry and short stories, and a Spotlight issue on a chosen poet”
Financial Independence
“A student-sponsored literary magazine at George Fox College has become self-supporting in its third year of production.” The Wineskin is sold in the George Fox bookstore for $1.95.
Ink Drawings Introduced
For the first time, the Wineskin welcomed pen and ink drawings, alongside poetry and short prose.
Over 100 Submissions!
Editors of the Wineskin focus on the non-literary audience, and encourage students with any level of experience to submit work, uninhibited by the volume of submissions.
Renamed The Wineskin
Prior to this point, the Wineskin had been published under the name Wineskin, but always referred as the Wineskin.
Entirely Comic Sans.
The entire issue 2002 issue of the Wineskin was set in Comic Sans font, including the title, and all of the prose and poetry. Welcome to the twenty-first century!
Full Page Photographs
While the full color digital printing and full page photographs in the 2012-2013 issue are stunning, the title and some of the body text are set in the font Papyrus.
Moving Online!
The Wineskin reinvents itself with an online presence and briefly opens submissions to writers and artists outside of George Fox University
Celebrating 40 Years
To celebrate 40 years of the Wineskin, we refreshed the graphic styling and are hosting a creative social!
Into the Future!
Where might the Wineskin go in the future? Apply to join our editorial board to help chart our course!